Laptop computers commonly heat up a little in normal operation. Electronic components, including large capacity batteries, become warm in use. Your laptop should never become too hot to handle though. When a laptop turns hot to the touch or starts to sound like a jet engine, it’s likely beginning to overheat.
The term “virus” is often used to describe many different types of infection a computer might have. Virus, when used as a blanket term, can represent any number of potential computer programs. What these programs have in common are they are typically designed to cause damage, steal data, or spread across the network.
Water damage is one of the more complex technology incidents. When it happens, and it happens to everyone, your device is going to need immediate and expert care. Unlike cracking a screen, water gets into devices and disrupts them from the inside out. If that happens, don’t panic, come to the experts at RJG Computers. [...]